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Old 03-23-2006, 05:48 PM
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Oldfart Oldfart is offline
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The other point is that she said she was orgasming, but may have only been saying it to make he ex (and you) feel good.

Find out through exploration and play what bounces her off the ceiling and incorporate them into your lovemaking.

Don't go formula, keep looking for new ways for both of you to get off.

One such, just as an example, give her two plastic tumblers of water to hold and to try not to spill. Coat a vibrator in baby oil and move it over the soles of her feet. Half the buzz comes from her not moving a muscle, otherwise she "loses". You can agree on a penalty.

In that heightened state, other things she finds only so-so can become mind-blowing.

This is only one example, use your ingenuity to find thousands.
Calm, quiet, smooth, devastating
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