Thread: Pixies Power
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Old 03-26-2006, 06:06 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Posts: 49
Originally Posted by Lilith
I have seen this sort of thing done elsewhere and wondered if it could truly work here.

I'd like to create a small corner here for those of us who need support in our efforts to change our lifestyle meaning things like habits (such as smoking or even financial spending), dietary changes, or exercise. I'm envisioning a place to brag about accomplishments (no matter how small) or bitch about failures, to cheer eachother on to making better choices, to offer eachother insight and encouragment. I think it would be a great place to report or keep a running record of daily, weekly, monthly, goals and what good choices you are making.

I found this site that has tickers to keep track of your goals and achievements. I'm sure there are other places too with behavior modification tools.

This would also be the place to discuss tactics you have found useful to help you to make those choices, as well as feelings about how thechoices you are making are impacting your life. Feel free to blog here, record keep, celebrate or whine.

I put this in Advice because it's mainly a support/advice thread and also because this forum gets less riff-raff and it's a seriously personal type subject.

Yes I think this is a great idea, I have alo seen on other site's and it has worked wonders for the site.
Lisa Rodgers
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