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Old 07-10-2006, 04:14 PM
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AngelicVampires AngelicVampires is offline
Tease and Please
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Ok, here comes my rant...
The more I work at the animal hospital, the more I dislike people. Today, I watched a dog be put down because of thoughtless/cruel/unintelligent people. There's nothing like watching the life leave a dog's eyes to make you angry at peoples' stupidity. I learned that 6 million cats and dogs are put to sleep each really hits homes when you watch it happen to even just one. When you put love and dedication into an animal and then watch it be put into a cadaver bag just because some idiotic human screwed up its life and then decided that the animal could be thrown out like the morning's trash...nothing gets my blood to boil as violently as witnessing what I saw today.
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