Thread: camel toes
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Old 08-13-2006, 12:45 PM
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Wicked Wanda Wicked Wanda is offline
Gone with the Wind
Join Date: Jan 2002
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As I define a slut as a woman who gives not one little flying damn what society thinks of her sexuality and the way she pursues it, I shouldn't be offended by tigertails' comment, but somehow I am.
She manages to imply that being a slut is bad...
I love sex, I love feeling sexy, and letting the world know it. I enjoy dressing in a way that draws interested looks. It doesn't mean I am cheap, or whorish, as I am neither.
The dictionary defines "slut" as a "slovenly or promiscuous woman"
Slovenly means dirt and unkept. I am most certainly not either. I am a healthy, very clean, and usually well-dressed woman. By many standards a I am upper middle class, well educated, (I FINALLY submitted my Masters thesis Lilith!) and before K, I was a member of two New Orleans women's business organizations. I worked in management, and own my own apartment building in NO, which has been fully repaired and is now fully occupied, thank you.
"Promiscuous". OK, I am. Promiscuous is defined as "having many sexual relationships, especially transient ones." I plead guilty to that. So what?
Because I do love sex so, and certaily lovethe tyhrill of first time sex with a new partner, I am willing, happy even to take the title of slut. Bit I will NOT accept it a a perjorative.
As a atter of fact, today I going to go ride my bicycle along the beach, wearing bike shorts, showing my (admittedly small and hard to see) camel toe. Maybe a bikini top?



Wicked Wanda

(sorry about climbing the soapbox again Lilith)

"I wondered, am I a lesbian, am I straight, or bisexual? Then I realized that I am just a slut.
So where's MY parade?"

---Margaret Cho
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