Thread: Room For Humor?
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Old 09-30-2002, 05:27 PM
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Wildeye Wildeye is offline
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I agree - humour is part of play and being relaxed.

The best line I heard was while I was in bed with a friend and two girls..

I'd been snogging my girly - cute curly hair, smallish tits, lovely face and very tight pussy...anyway we were worried about waking the other two so we went very quiet..well they wake up and start kissing, it gets a little passionate, my girly is grinning in my face and I'm loving her face, when the other girly (jane) says to her man

"I'm sorry, this is great but it's my period."


Then Jane says

"Wish I was a boy."

Her man replied "So do I"

I almost died laughing, I had to stuff my face into my girlies tits to stop them hearing.

Next morning he tells me that I woke him up by shagging too loud, so I reminded him of what he said - he was well impressed as he had forgotten!!


Eye see old redeye and he is back..
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