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Old 10-01-2002, 06:41 AM
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Quinda Quinda is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 44
Thanks everyone for the tips!

Lilith, I like that idea, he'll be getting some homework :-)

I've kinda tried the sexy talk but I think he's a little self concious, doesn't seem to quite like that kind of thing... just makes him clam up.

Eric & Woody, we tease each other during the day all the time, but never that overtly, might try it, could be fun :-)

Danny, you could be right there, that would fit with some things he says sometimes. I don't want to give too much info, but we had some health related problems early on which he was convinced I'd dump him over, he still hasn't got in his head that it'll never happen :-)

There'll be some jumping going on, and some teasing, I'll let you all know what happens!

Still open to any other suggestions though... even how to's - where are you men sensitive other than the obvious places <g>

Thanks all!

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