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Old 09-19-2006, 10:35 PM
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osuche osuche is offline
Loungin' Around
Join Date: Nov 2002
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There's a book..."What Should I Do with My Life?" by Po Bronson that is a collection of stories and advice from people who have made MAJOR career changes in mid-life. It may not tell you what you should do, but it might inspire you.

<--- Girl who is paying $100,000 for an MBA so I can take a paycut and start a socially responsible business. to other people. Many others have similar stories. If nothing else, we can provide one another emotional support.

Just don't forget that life is about risk -- without risk we don't know we're living.
Life is too short not to love and be loved....preferably multiple times in one night.

I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them. ~ Jay McInerney

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