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Old 10-14-2006, 06:35 PM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
Awesome on my Own
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Schoolhouse Rocks!
Posts: 4,366
>~~~( : English Lizzard : )~~~<

After much soul searching, not so great luck with getting a job for me, and finding out England's Fiance' visa processing times are approx ONE to TWO WEEKS (!!!), Mayhem and I have decided that we are tired of the torture of being apart and we just want to be with each other.

The idea is to live in Jolly Ol' for 2-5 years and save up moolah to come back to the States.

The missing each other is about driving us batty, and we are sappy romantic mushballs. Plus we are both really really horny!---but sex isn't the major deciding factor, but a nice fat cherry on top of the Mayhem sundae---mmmmm

I will hopefully be leaving for the UK shortly after the American holiday of Thanksgiving. I wanted to be there for Mayhem's 28th birthday on Nov 11, but it gives me time to get my lizards in a row.

I am supremely nervous about moving there, however there are also other reasons that calm my logical mind, and my sweet sweet Mayhem, who with just a few words, can make my heart flutter, or calm my nerves.

Like the song says "I finally found the love of a lifetime..."

....and so I go.
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