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Old 01-21-2007, 09:45 PM
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osuche osuche is offline
Loungin' Around
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: West Coast
Posts: 30,587
1) Who do you share your bed with?
Mr Osuche

2) What size bed do you sleep in?
It's a King and I HATE it - I wish we had a queen bed, which is just right for touching.

3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
We like T-Shirt sheets. Right now I have a royal blue set on, from Bed Bath and Beyond

4) How many pillows?
Three, lined up across the top of the bed. Neither of us sleeps with more than one pillow at a time.

5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
It's a velvet quilt of maroon, brown, royal blue, gold, and black with a cotton backing. Bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond a few years ago

6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
Never, except water

7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
We read in bed often. I currently alternate between Harvard Business Review cases and a serial killer book

8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Think. Cuddle. Get warm. Occasionally have sex. Masturbate.

9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
Table lamp, bottle of water, book, and a couple of cough drops.

8) What’s under your bed?
Nothing. Maybe a couple of dustballs.

9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
Mish-mash. Lots of different colors and rugs.(one large, 4 small ones, in several colors). One painting on the wall (Monet reproduction). Antique furniture that was my great great grandparents. Plus a newer computer desk we never use. I am indifferent to themes and colors, but I am a complete whore for comfort.

10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
Currently? A man with an erection and a plan.

11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Cuddle with my sweetheart.

12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
I *always* sleep nude - I can't stand the feel of clothes when I sleep.

13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
I often use the bed to do night time or morning stretches. Seriously.
Life is too short not to love and be loved....preferably multiple times in one night.

I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them. ~ Jay McInerney

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