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Old 01-22-2007, 04:23 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
Posts: 3,635

1) Who do you share your bed with?
Fussy and no-one else. The cats used to sleep on it, but not since baby arrived. Baby is NOT allowed to sleep with us under ANY circumstances.

2) What size bed do you sleep in?

3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?
Whatever brand one hundred percent cotton.

4) How many pillows?
Two, but when I was pregnant - 7!

5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
We just have a duvet, and the covers for it are white and/or mauve

6) Do you eat and drink in bed?
There's no rule against eating in bed, but it doesn't tend to happen in our house.

7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
Not really - I'm asleep after half a page. 'The contented Little Baby Book' by Gina Ford is the only reading matter I reefer to these days.

8) What else do you like to do in bed?
Sex! And cuddling and playing with baby and/or the cats on a Saturday morning after breakfast.

9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
Currently, Fussy's screwdriver set for some reason (I think from when we put the cot together) a bottle of water, my mobile phone and my cotton gloves to protect my horribly dry hands.

8) What’s under your bed?
It's a divan, so what's under my bed is actually in my bed - pyjamas, jewellery boxes, sex toys and toiletries mainly.

9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?
Hideously outdated with horrible fitted wardrobes - we've only been living here a short time though.

10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
A head board, to tie people to.

11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
Kiss Fussy, spoon up to him then just before I go to sleep, move onto my stomach.

12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
Used to, but now I'm up feeding in the night, I wear nursing pyjamas or a button through night shirt. Oh and a bra and breast pads!

13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
It's my favourite place to be, especially when there are fresh sheets on it.
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !
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