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Old 01-23-2007, 03:35 PM
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Emzo Emzo is offline
single, pert and firm!
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: england
Posts: 203
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1) Who do you share your bed with?

2) What size bed do you sleep in?

3) What brand and style of sheets do you use?

4) How many pillows?

5) What’s your bedspread or blanket like? Where’d you get it?
plain purple, some shop

6) Do you eat and drink in bed?

7) Do you read in bed? What’s your current bedside reading?
not really

8) What else do you like to do in bed?

9) What else is on your bed table or at your bedside?
mp3 player, a glass of water, some earphones, my PC remote, my tv remote, a surround sound speaker

8) What’s under your bed?

9) How would you describe the decor of your bedroom?

10) Name one thing you would want in your bedroom that you don’t have.
a willing male

11) What’s the last thing you do before falling asleep?
masturbate/listen to music

12) Do you sleep in the nude? If not, what do you typically wear?
almost never, i either wear underwear, or a straptop and short shorts

13) Anything else about your bed/bedroom/bedside you'd like to say or reveal that wasn't in this questionnaire?
its hard to get cum stains off purple sheets

And darkness overcame until she screamed alone in vain.
Oh how lovely as she gasps, yet so innocently sleeping.
Bullet to the head... soon you'll be sleeping
Pull this trigger to your antidote
She had the eyes of an angel with a heart like a traitor
We always knew you'd go up in flames
We always you'd go out with a bang

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