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Old 01-26-2007, 10:56 PM
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CrouchingBuddha CrouchingBuddha is offline
Simple writer man
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Georgia
Posts: 211
Wow, thanks for the awesome feedback! I'm very glad you enjoyed. I'm also very glad to hear that you found the story was better for the long delay for the sex. I've often questioned myself as to whether I should have kept it off for so long, but it's feedback like this that makes me feel I made the right decision for this story

And no, no need to deflate my ego! I'll grin (and possibly strut, if I'm feeling particularly happy-go-lucky) at positive feedback, but I've gotten enough hate mail to keep me humble. Well, maybe humble is a stretch. It keeps my head just small enough so I can fit through the door

By the way, chapter 10 is going up in about 2 minutes, for you and anyone else reading this thread who may care
Most things worth saying, shouldn't be.

"Batman was a SCIENTIST?!" -Homer Simpson
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