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Old 01-27-2007, 11:09 AM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
Awesome on my Own
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Schoolhouse Rocks!
Posts: 4,366
I ended up walking from a long term job that I loved because of one of those "If this happens/doesn't happen, then I will stay/leave" situations. Problem was, although I stood up for what I felt was my right, in the long run, I found out that it didn't make any difference that I left over the issue. Former co workers said that the supervisor, and her supervisor didn't change the way things were being done and even eventually lost another long term employee over it.

My self-respect was better, albeit temporarily, for it. Eventually I found another job in the same field of work and was better for it.

Would I do it again? If I knew for sure that it would affect real change for everyones wellbeing then yes. If it happened like my old job, then no, I would have stuck around and gotten intouch with the higher ups, like the CEO to see what change could be implemented.

It is a tough one when you are right in the midst of it. (((Lilith)))
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