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Old 02-13-2007, 08:09 PM
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wyndhy wyndhy is offline
pixie of the wood
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Originally Posted by TinglingTess
Hi Wyndhy and DB

It's raining here and turning cold. My knee hurts and I have a heating pad on it. I made 6 dozen sugar cookies to take to the homeless shelter tomorrow to decorate with the kiddies. I aced my management quiz. I wish I had a Venti mocha latte but Joe said no because coffee this late will have me up all night.

I need to study but would rather flirt with DB in the smut games.

it's cold and turning colder. keep your leg up (and your chin). i made sugar cookies today too! about a hundred heart shaped ones for a v'day party at my daughter's school tomorrow. way to go on the quiz! have the mocha anyway...he's not the boss of you. just study flirting...that's totally legit.
Trees give peace to the souls of men * Nora Waln

The forest would be very quiet if no other birds sang than those who sing the best * Henry van Dyke

some fairly sordid tales, rambles, and anecdotes
Hypothetically Speaking * Something More * Cammy Interrupted * An Experimental Vacation * Masked * * Thank You * My toy, his idea * no.19 Maple Lane * I Have A Surprise For You * Yesterday * In a Quiet Kitchen * help me decide * untitled prose * more untitled prose
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