Thread: Nascar
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Old 02-21-2007, 11:01 AM
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Thought I might add this close encounter in this thread...

Last night, while making a delivery to a truck stop/service garage on the western outskirts of town, I was passed by one tractor/trailer that stood out...couldn't tell the business name, but I couldn't miss the truck, chrome-laden & enough running lights to be seen from outer space All I could make out was a Target logo on the back, but it seemed a little extravegant to be hauling pallets of store merchandise...when it got about 100 ft ahead me, I was startled by the sound of an explosion, very loud it thing I & everybody else around me are playing dodge-'em with huge chunks of steel-reinforced rubber...luckily, no damage to me or anyone else that could tell, but it got my heart a-pounding pretty good...the truck finally gets his speed down, & pulls over to the shoulder about a mile down the road, & I continue to my destination.
After dropping off a #50 truck part at the repair shop, I go back to my minivan, & in the parking lot behind me is that truck again...& now I see why it was so gussied was the car hauler for the #41 Target Reed Sorenson car, obviously on its way from the shop in NC heading to the California Race this week...but I think he was gonna be delayed a little until he got that tire fixed
BTW, just as i got there, my dispatcher called me to say the customer wanted me to go back & get another part they needed, they didn't realize I was already in their parking lot...I declined to make the 2nd trip, it was late & I was still a little shakey from the near-disaster with the truck...
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