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Old 03-05-2007, 03:49 AM
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Mark Vieth Mark Vieth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 482
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You know how you can catch her out on this? Simple, take her out to dinner making sure that she knows that you are going dutch. Then when it comes time to foot the bill, you simply take out what you owe and leave it at that. If her meal is more than yours then tough and don't cave if she asks help paying the rest. I dislike people who are like this. They expect you to cover them with everything when the can't. Also when I was single and dating, and they invited me out to dinner I always asked in advance who is paying/what the payments arrangments are - if we are paying seperatly or not etc. If they say they have got it covered I always make sure that I order the least expensive thing out of courtesy. I remember one time this girl had a whinge about how much she had to pay for her meal. Mine and hers were roughly the same price and I think she was trying to make me feel guilty for not paying for her, I simply said to her 'well if you didn't like the price then why get it?". That shut her up and put her in her place at the same time. After that she didn't mention it anymore.
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