10-04-2001, 12:18 PM
Registered User
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Rochester N.H.
Posts: 4,134
Another Crash
This is just another reason; that I am glad; that I stopped drinking
alcohol!I've always said; that you've got to have been a drinker;
to see both sides of the story.I consider myself an alcoholic.The
15th of this month,will be 9yrs&4mo. since I have had alcohol.
Most people(non-drinkers)think that a drinker,causes damage
on purpose.It is inadvertant.Even the slightest; alcohol;in your
system affects you more than you think.(one drink)It slows your
reflexes,affects your judgement,etc.I can't remember ever setting
out to--GET DRUNK.Drinking got to be a habit with me.No one wants to grow up to be a drunk!It's amazing how many lives are
affected by what you refer to as-An innocent drink,to relax.You
couldn't have told me this 10yrs ago.I thought that as long as I
went to work,didn't physically abuse my wife or kids,that it was
alright.The amazing thing is that if my wife had 3 drinks a year,
that was alot for her.We have been married for 36yrs and she is
a very good looking woman! Irish
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)