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Old 04-05-2007, 02:17 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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At work a few months ago, the racial "issue" kinda cropped up (as it will, from time to time) and one of my Social Worker colleagues described an obligatory anti-racism seminar he had attended.

This course was run, and facilitated, by a lady of Carribean origin and, as it happens, my colleague is married to a Jamaican woman and they have three gorgeous kids together. (btw, he's Jewish, too....honest, you couldn't make it up!!)

Aaaany-waaaaaayy........ in the middle of one of the "discussions", he happened to comment that it is not only white people that can be racist in their views and/or outlook, but non-whites of any origin can, also. Now to me, that statement is merely one of obvious and easily provable fact, and I think most folks would agree. Not this woman, though! She ripped into him for over ten minutes, ascribing any and every racistly stereotypical idea you've ever heard to him, and threatened to report him to his bosses! After taking it all, he stood up and, with far more dignity than I feel I could have done, said;

"Madam, if the future of racial harmony in this country rests with you, and others like you, then may God help us all."

And walked out.

He was reported and disciplined subsequently, but not for what you may think....... it was for "failing to attend a mandatory seminar".

What a load of crap, innit?!?! I guess the point of my post is, is that this kind of ill-conceived nonsense is damaging us in the UK too, and is sponsored - nay, promoted - by the so called powers-that-be, on "our behalf".

Bunch of tossers.

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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