Thread: Another Crash
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Old 10-05-2001, 11:10 AM
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Another Crash

Prophet Reality---Please don't rush to judgement(Judge not lest
ye be judged yourself.)or something like that.I had an accident;
approx.9yrs&4mo ago.I was working nights and fell asleep while
driving.There was an unopened can of beer;on the back seat of
my vehicle;it rolled forward and broke open when I fell asleep and
hit something.I was unconcious but the car probably smelled; like
a still;when the police got to the scene.I broke my front teeth,
nose(7th time),and got numerous cuts on me.I also totaled that
car(I had just made the final payment)I never would have been
driving if I felt at all under the influence.I haven't had a drink of
alcohol since that day.Most people don't set out with the intention
of causing damage.You just have; to have; the maturity to realize
that if it's something that can cause problems,You shouldn't do
it anymore. Irish
PS.My front teeth are now capped!I could have killed or injured
another and I don't think that I'm an asshole!
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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