Thread: Pagan '08
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Old 05-28-2007, 04:37 AM
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Originally Posted by LixyChick
I'm dying to meet up this August...but I did mention in the other thread about a main blaster quitting. Not too long after that (last week) a "stone humper" (gopher) quit too.

Mr. Lixy is at wits end! He keeps telling me he's gonna die any day now. *sigh* My man has a tough job and nobody to back him!

So anyway...this August seems quite out of the question right now. PAGAN 08 feels better to me!

sniff Wish you both could make it. Anyway, take a ((((( HUG ))))) and our best wishes that hubby finds good, dependable help.

Originally Posted by LixyChick
BTW...doesn't anyone want to see Pennsylvania Dutch country? We have schnitzelbanks and hoagies (OK...that's a Philly thing...but we have em here too) and buggies and lotsa BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

We do! We do!

Schnitzelbanks and hoagies? What'll we have for lunch?

How about dippy and hinkel bottboi, served with sas and followed by a big sweet piece of snitz pie. Or, groascht waascht and groescht welshhinkel und broed filsel?

Originally Posted by LixyChick
Ahem...but this is where I live and I'd LOVE to get together here. Oh...and I live within 50 miles of the bell that made it all possible!!!


Love you guys...ya know?.

Pennsylvania Dutch, will we have to learn how to speak it? Things like:

For a fellow he's awful BLAID (bashful) when he gets alone with the girls ...
You should BLEIB (stay) a-while yet; its not late YET.
The BLUTZER (thank you "ma'am" on the road) nearly threw me out of the buggy.
That old woman next door talks all the time like a BOBBAGOY (parrot).
Give me the county-seat BOBBEER (newspaper) -it is just the right size for to cover good the pantry shelf.

(We love you guys, too, Lixy! )
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