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Old 07-10-2007, 10:23 PM
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cherrypie7788 cherrypie7788 is offline
Mama Mia!
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: South Louisiana
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Originally Posted by ShadowDancer
Miss Bryleigh made her appearance on Weds June 27, 2007 at 10:20 pm. Born via c-section, she is a very healthy 8lbs 8oz and 20 3/4" long. The surgery went well for the most part...except the anesthesia began to wear off at the tail end of the procedure. I never actually felt any thing other than pressure, but I could feel the numbness wearing off. But the "pressure" quickly gave way to lots of PAIN! Unfortunately, since the spinal block was supposed to last 6+ hours, I couldn't have anything other than 1/2 a dose of demerol for pain--even though mine was wearing off after only an hour and a half. The demerol did NOTHING! By the time my hour in recovery was up, I could already move my legs much more than I should have been able to--and that came from one of the nurses. So, I guess, I have developed a tolerance to the pain meds/anesthesia.



The pain in my feet has gotten so much worse...I can hardly stand to even be on them for more than 30-40 minutes at a time.

The fact that for the past, oh, three weeks or so I have been traveling back and forth between TN and LA is not helping me much either. Hopefully I am back in LA to stay until birth.

It's a BOY!!
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