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Old 07-13-2007, 04:07 PM
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Wicked Wanda Wicked Wanda is offline
Gone with the Wind
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: some place new, and interesting
Posts: 862
Originally Posted by cherrypie7788
I'm beginning to think that maybe some folks arent wired for monogamy.

I'm not, and I know it.
I have tried it, and was desperately miserable. Worse, I didn't find out until the end I was the ONLY one being monogamous.

I am what I am. Slut, wildchild (not anywhere near being a child anymore, but the old name stuck), "roundheels", "Little Easy" (not a whore, don't do it for money), and other less pleasant names, but I am me.

"I wondered, am I a lesbian, am I straight, or bisexual? Then I realized that I am just a slut.
So where's MY parade?"

---Margaret Cho
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