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Old 07-23-2007, 04:31 AM
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Fangtasia Fangtasia is offline
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Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
Sorry to say that close-up photography is not a point-&-shoot situation. DB is spot on about the manual mode being needed for anything much closer than 30 or 40 cm. When you talk about "every wrinkle or little whisker" you may have to go to tripod mount for steadiness. Depth of field gets involved as an issue when you start getting to the true close-up stage of macro photography. I believe that micro is considered as any photo that shows something larger than the actual scale. You normally will have to add a set of close-up lenses at this point to get >1:1. Macro is considered <1:1 and is the same or smaller size pic than the subject.

Where did i say that close up was going to be point and click?. As with any new 'toy' ya gotta play with the setting til ya find what ya like. At this point anything would do a better job than my old digi just cannot do any close up work...but still takes a nice normal pic

I've spoken to a few that have Fuji's and they rave about them...and having seen some of the pics they take i must say i quite like them too.

The other one i was looking at was a just had a few more bells and whistles is all *L*

Whichever i choose i'm hoping to get a tripod with it

I'll be sure to pick the assisstants brain to be sure i get something that will do what i need.
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