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Old 07-26-2007, 01:30 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
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So she likes you enough to chat to you on MSN but doesn't want to be pestered for a date. Sounds like you've got yourself a friend. If you enjoy her company and your conversations on MSN, what's the biggie? I hate that a lot of guys don't seem to be interested in a girl unless there's the possibility that he gets to sleep with her. I'm assuming you're not in love with her, so stop obsessing about what every little thing she does might 'mean'.

Women are much more able to read between the lines than men - it's not about game playing it's just that they pick up on little things that give off warning signs to them. As Miss HB says she may have been put off by your keeness or you may have dropped something into your conversation that rings alarm bells in her head as to the kind of guy you are. To give you an example, I would be put off by your use of the word 'chick' just now - it says something about your attitude towards women, that personally, I don't like. It gives me an indication of how I might be treated in a relationship with you and it would not be acceptible to me. As I said before, this is not mind games, it's just that women are scientifically proven to be more able to judge an emotional situation and read a person's character than men. It's why men often think we are so bad at communicating what they've 'done wrong' during an argument - we are able to pick up on the slightest little thing, and men are not.
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

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