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Old 07-27-2007, 09:58 PM
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CunningLinguist CunningLinguist is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 545

Well, every dating site I've ever been on had an option of "Just looking for friends" and right now I do have a few active profiles, and it does say "Looking for friends." It would be like saying "Oh I met this person on Pixie's and I know they want sex becuase well they were on Pixie's right?"

Anyways, congratulations on making a new friend. Many a man has complained about the "friend zone", and for good reason. In general, once you are friend zoned, there is absolutely no chance that anything romantic will develop at this point in time. Effectively, you are removed from her game. (not permanently though).

And well, as a friend, you should treat her like one. You mentioned that if you go out to a bar with her it will ruin your game. Don't let her. I've gone to parties, clubs, concerts with a female companion and the good ones will let you go out and mingle and maybe even say "Oh hey Cindy! This is my friend, Cunning Linguist, he's awesome!"

Of course, if she starts cock-blocking you, getting jealous that you talk to other girls, or nit picking your taste in women, tell her to "sod off!"

Same goes with other situations like doing each other favors and such. If you feel like she is taking advantage of the fact that you are a nice guy who wants to get into her pants, then well simply sever.

In short, she's your friend. Don't put her on a pedestal because she is your equal. And you have every right to be suspicious of ridiculous requests (i.e: drive me to my boyfriend who lives an hour away, let's be roommates even though I barely know you and I'm between jobs, don't hand out with your friends because I want you to spend time with me, etc.) as she has done nothing to earn your trust.

Oh and "friends with benefits" works great. Provided you are dealing with someone who is a true friend, and the benefits are really there with a minimum to the cost (not actual money, but pregnancy/STD mitigation). I'm not saying to go out and look for a string of No Strings Attached sex, but don't close yourself off to the possibility. Trust me, developing deep emotional attachment to every person you have sex with can be just as painful. I've been on the other end where I had sex with one girl, and felt an attachment and on her end it was all a one night stand. (Make jokes about how I'm a bad lay now.)
Well sir that seems to be someone else's problem.
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