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Old 08-10-2007, 08:25 AM
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wyndhy wyndhy is offline
pixie of the wood
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not til early november but both my other kids were 38 weekers so maybe late october, maybe even on my own birthday - which would be pretty cool. either way, they won't schedule the c-sec this far in advance so i don't know an exact date yet.

i already look like i swallowed a very large beach ball, strangers i meet think i'm due next week (even the delivery nurse i met at the pool yesterday), all sexual positions except oral and manual are becoming extremely uncomfortable, i can't eat a decent meal 'cause any amount of food in my belly makes me feel fuller than thanksgiving seconds. they say you show quicker with your third but this is ridiculous. i actually demanded a recount.

Trees give peace to the souls of men * Nora Waln

The forest would be very quiet if no other birds sang than those who sing the best * Henry van Dyke

some fairly sordid tales, rambles, and anecdotes
Hypothetically Speaking * Something More * Cammy Interrupted * An Experimental Vacation * Masked * * Thank You * My toy, his idea * no.19 Maple Lane * I Have A Surprise For You * Yesterday * In a Quiet Kitchen * help me decide * untitled prose * more untitled prose
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