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Old 11-05-2002, 10:49 AM
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I don't mean to rain on your parade, but these kinds of questions really irk me. I've had sex with Hispanic, Black, Asian, and, White guys. I was with my husband (who is Black; I'm White) from age 18 to 43 (married for 22 of those years). My present fiance is Black-Black Puerto Rican. It just happened to work out that way. In between, like I said, I've had sex with quite a few guys of all shapes, sizes, colors, and ethnicity. Does that make me an expert to tell you that "Oh, gee...Black men are like this or Asian men are like that..."? Of course not, because even if I'd been with 100 of every kind out there, that's a drop in the bucket and can't possibly be a cross section to generalize or steretype any of those groups. I've been with Black guys who were "huge" and some who were very small--just like the White guys.

I mean, if I had sex with 1 White guy and he was really "small," would it make sense to say all or most White guys have small dicks? You may not be trying to stereotype, but just because someone tells you that the 1 or 2 or 50 they were with was like this or that, doesn't mean the one YOU have sex with will be that way.

Please just appreciate the beauty of the particular individual and any of the attributes they have because of the ethnic group to which they are a part and keep in mind that, like we already said, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE.
Communication is the key.
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