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Old 09-07-2007, 12:03 PM
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Note please that I am not saying that Mr. Cheney is innocent of the behavior of which you accuse him. I do find it odd that the immoral behavior of which he is accused has managed to slip past those in a position to exploit it – Congress - while being so generally known that supporting evidence is unnecessary.

Congress has has no will to "exploit" any accusations of wrongdoing in the current administration until this past year, & even now the opposition majority is so slim as to preclude any real attempt to do so. Witness the feeble gasps of outrage concerning the Valerie Plame incident, the firing of attorneys for political reasons, and the endless list of other wrongdoings by the Bush/Chaney dictatorship that have gone unchallenged.

Anyone who doubts what I'm saying here is encouraged to look into the book Takeover ...if you're not pissed-off & terrified yet, as Yoda said, "You will be..."
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