Thread: Divorce?
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Old 09-10-2007, 02:41 PM
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My husband and I got married very young, probably way too young. Because of it, we have had, and continue to "growup" together. As we age, our tastes, habits, and the way we used to be have changed. There was many times in the beginning that I wondered if it was best to leave or to stay.

However, I had to sit down and ask myself, is it worth it? Is it worth sticking through the rough patches, the mellow times, the good, the bad and the ugly for this person? My answer was yes and hopefully always will be. I made a vow to be with him forever. I'm still crazy about him, even if he drives me crazy at times (and I know I drive him nuts too ). We are best friends and we did build our relationship off a friendship first. Thankfully, I think we got through the worst of it a few years ago, as it keeps getting better and better here.

I think ultimately you will have to ask yourself, is it worth it? If things never change, will you be happy non the less? Only you can answer that. Only you ultimately know what you need to do. Whatever choice you make, make sure you have some support, it goes a long way.
Happiness is Bunny Shaped

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