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Old 11-07-2002, 09:02 PM
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Sea Chelle Sea Chelle is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Second star of the Right...straight on 'til morning
Posts: 69
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“All. You’ll take it all little one. You know that now. Know that I’ll have you.” This time I know the words are for me, and that alone puts us closer than you’d like to level ground. My mind is spinning. There are no words for how you’ve made me feel, to describe the way my body shudders, aches for you. I want to touch you, caress. Soothe. Strange that in the middle of this hurricane I wish so much to give you tenderness. The eye of the storm. My eyes whisper along the strong set of your jaw, touching you where my fingers can’t. You hate the fact that I can make you shudder. Ahh yes. I know you Jack. Know that you’ll have me. I’ll take all. I want it. You can see it in my eyes, and though you’re trying to be annoyed again, its simply natural.

“Yes Jack. Have me. Take me. I need you to fuck me, have needed it since that first moment. Its seems like I’ve been waiting for ages to have you inside me. Now. Please now.” I arch my hips again. In surrender, in invitation. Oh yes, Jack, and in challenge. I can see it, just like you can see me. Not so simple now, though you ache to possess me, you’re baffled by surrender without fear, without weakness. Break or bend Jack. It may not taste like cherry lip-gloss, but I think you’ll like the flavor.

Once again you’re watching me, just your fingertip tracing along the swollen cleft of my sex. Your other hand wrapped around your cock, stroking lightly. As if experimenting you push your middle finger deep into my cunt, your palm pressed hard against me, your index and ring finger on either side of my clit. I can’t stop the gasp of pleasure, wouldn’t try, but you watch me, watch my face as you rock your hand against me, not really a thrust because your finger stays buried in me, working the silky wet walls, exploring me until I feel us both shudder. Your eyes change slightly, a decision made. Then suddenly you’re there, pushing inside me before you even draw your finger out. The thick head of your cock stretching me, nudging inside me along the exploring digit. The combination of your cock pushing into me, and your finger slowly sliding free, makes my hips twist, my head falling back, my mouth open as I pant mindlessly. The tender column of my throat is exposed, my back arched, your hands lifting my hips, searching for the angle as we strain together. Surrender. It’s yours. Mine. I can’t tell anymore. Can you?

You lean up, over, me, reaching for a pillow, and I slip a little, your cock moving almost all the way out of me even as I arch to keep you deep inside. I might take that soft growl for simple desire if the impatience wasn’t so clear in that subtle down turning of your mouth. You glance at my hands, still bound to the bedframe. The impatience in your eyes almost makes me laugh. Caught in your own trap darling. You grab for pillows, pulling the one from beneath my head as well. My hips arched you slide the pillows beneath me, giving you the angle you want, the depth, while freeing your hands to touch me. Your hands cruise up, over my stomach, along my ribcage to my breasts. You cup them, mold them roughly as your cock stirs and stretches the wet velvet heat of my sex. I can feel the throb of your heartbeat as your cock pulses between my legs. The need is boiling in you. Desire, too long restrained is suddenly edged with violence. The next thrust is brutal, stealing my breath, frissons of pain and pleasure sprinting over my skin. You’re above me now, one hand braced on the bed, near my shoulder, the other cupping my head, tangling in my hair, pulling on it. Holding me by it. Your mouth on mine is like salvation for both of us. We are surprised that as we meet, mouth to mouth the kiss holds none of the violence that drives my hips to arch, to meet your thrusting cock, both of us striving to get deeper, to take more.

We’ve lost count of the small orgasms that have trembled through my body as you move in me. They are waves washing over us, swamping us for a moment, but we struggle to the surface again and swim deeper. My skin is damp with sweat; my hair curling at my nape as my head falls back. Your mouth ravishes my neck, my throat, hard nipping kisses, devastatingly hot laves with your tongue. Always you’re moving in me. Hard and thick, stretching me, filling me until my tender inner walls are aching, my thighs trembling beyond my control. I’m so far gone I don’t know what is building inside me, but you do. You can sense it. Have been watching for it. My body goes taut and suddenly I can’t breathe. Ohgodohgodohgod what are you doing to me. My eyes go wide as I open my mouth to scream. There’s no sound. You push deep in me, seemingly inches deeper as my pussy closes around you. You hold there, your eyes on mine. As my body bucks, writhes. Finally I drag in enough air for sound and I’m screaming. Not your name not words. Purely animal, primal. “Yes girl. That’s it. Yes. Fuck yes.” Dimly I can hear you, but the words don’t register.

I’m drowning this time, my mind going fuzzy around the edges, unable to feel my body, only the sensations running through me, gripping me like a fist. Little death. Yes. A little like dying must be. Go toward the light, and the light is a kaleidoscope. A tiny corner of my mind wonders idly, but without alarm if I’m going to pass out. I still feel like I’m trying to breathe through water. My eyes slide closed, but I can still feel you, your cock twitching inside me, your low groans of pleasure caressing my ears. My hands are free. When did that happen? How did you untie that knot when with all my twisting and pulling I never felt it so much as slip? My fingers itch to touch you, to stroke through your hair, over your body, but my arms are numb, and I can’t seem to find the energy to lift them. I can feel your eyes on me but I’m drifting, lost.

I feel you lifting, me, my arms slide around your neck automatically as I feel your breath warm against my ear. “No you don’t little one. Stay with me. We’re not done yet.” The steel in your voice rouses me slightly, but I shake my head in mute denial, knowing my body has been driven beyond its limits. Your voice is there, your warm tongue teasing the curve of my ear. Your voice is strained now, but not with the tempered violence of earlier. With need. Its need I hear in your voice, and my body answers to that, responding when I thought there was nothing left to give, nothing left to take.

I raise my head from your shoulder, my eyes meeting yours and finally I realize that I’m wrapped around you, my legs around your waist, your hands supporting the small of your back. “Ride me.” Your words are a low groan as my mouth moves to your throat, tasting sweat, heat. My hips begin to move, my breath catching as your cock moves inside my over-sensitive cunt, but the look in your eyes makes me hungry, makes me need. “Again.” Neither of us knows who said it, but we reach for it together, your hands on my hips, my fingernails sinking into your shoulders. We strain together; eyes locked. The sounds of sex, of breathing, of desperate passion fill the room as we take each other.

I watch your eyes go dark even as I feel you swelling inside me, your cock growing larger, pushing impossibly deeper, the feeling of your impending orgasm sending me over the edge. My teeth sink into your shoulder, breaking the skin. I feel you jerk, knowing that pleasure has finally taken you, like a sharp kick to the base of your spine, then shuddering through you in waves as I feel you spill into me, thick and warm and wet. So deep inside me I’m sobbing. I can taste blood in my mouth, your blood, and instinctively my tongue flicks out to soothe the wounds I’ve made on your shoulder. You’re still trembling, and I focus enough to flex my muscles around your cock, milking you, dragging out your orgasm. Pulling it from you greedily. With an oath you let us both slide to the bed. Our breathing is labored. The world is still tilted. Clinging to each other, drenched in sweat, steeped in the smell of sex we wait for the world to right itself.

Your cock is softening against my thigh. My fingers are tracing an idle pattern on your chest. I let my eyes close, surrendering to the fatigue. “Jack.” I whisper your name softly, knowing that I should fight sleep a little longer, knowing that you won’t be there when I wake. Shouldn’t be. I have sex with men like you. I don’t sleep with them. But I’m drifting now, between asleep and dreaming and it’s easy, so easy for me to let go. You’re still holding me, watching me, tracing your fingers through damp, sex-tangled auburn curls. You brush a kiss over my forehead, the tenderness surprising you, as it would have surprised me if I were awake to experience it. The part of you that is, in your mind, already dressing, turning to give me that last glance, that sweet goodbye is suddenly shocked to realize you have no such intentions. Your leg slips intimately between mine as you curl into me. In sleep I cuddle closer. You’re more than mildly astonished that there is no panic, no regret, no desire in you to pull away. Here. Now. You’re staying when you’ve never stayed. I’m sleeping, my head on your shoulder. You rest your hand at the small of my back, feel the slight instinctive arch of my body, and as you savor it your eyes slide closed. Into dreams you’d never considered dreaming.

Damn, didn't think I'd ever find the end of this one. Hope you all enjoyed, and remember, please don't exit until the ride has come to a complete stop ;)
Have you ever been felt up...Over the bra...calvins in a ball on the front seat past eleven on a school night?-- John Hughes
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