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Old 12-24-2007, 10:50 PM
Neige Neige is offline
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 4,670
Dear Santa, I want...

someone who laughs
with strong arms to hold me tight
who loves food and sex
with a vivid imagination
who will picnic with me on the kitchen floor
who will wash my back in the shower
who will play with my hair
who will tell me I am pretty
with cum as sweet as GreenChef’s
who likes fish and cheese
who won’t mind my accent
with eyes that smile when he looks at me
who will tell me about all the crazy things that run through his mind
who won’t mind that I’ll send our kids to a French school
who will hold me when I cry
who will work hard for what he wants
whose kisses will make me melt

Si à travers nos veines coule encore le sang...
Si dans les jeux d'enfants on entend encore l'accent...
Si nous sentons encore l'espoir de nos grands-parents...
Si dans les voiles du large souffle encore le vent...
Y'a jamais eu de Grand Dérangement.
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