02-07-2008, 02:22 PM
Turn it up!
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Music City
Posts: 9,293
Originally Posted by osuche
This gene does something good for people. It makes them have more kids."
My guess is that he means that for 40% of all Europeans to have descended from one mutant a few millennia ago, there must have been some kind of genetic advantage that helped these mutants to reproduce early & often. You're right, that is a drastically over-simplified statement to make about such a complex issue...turning a new thoery into a media-friendly sound bite does not help the researchers' cause in any way that I can see...
Interesting anyway...I have green eyes myself, but I was spawned from a union of a very blue-eyed redhead & a dark brown-eyed brunette (so they tell me...does anybody really know who's your daddy?!?)
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