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Old 02-11-2008, 12:40 AM
Neige Neige is offline
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 4,670
This next week...

I am going to try to make lots of new things!!! I've been reading food blogs for the past couple weeks, and I love it. I'm finding so many good ideas! And I just love the photos... Everything looks so good!!! (I'm the girl with the huge collection of drink recipes books - I just love the photos of the pretty glasses and all the colourful drinks and garnishes!!!!!!)

In the next week, I wanna make the following things :


Meyer lemon posset (if I can find a Meyer lemon)

Sweet beet ice cream

Poached egg with basil and Meyer lemon confit

Now that last one sounds simple but I want to try it because, believe it or not, I've never poached an egg. The lemon confit also sounds delicious...

Si à travers nos veines coule encore le sang...
Si dans les jeux d'enfants on entend encore l'accent...
Si nous sentons encore l'espoir de nos grands-parents...
Si dans les voiles du large souffle encore le vent...
Y'a jamais eu de Grand Dérangement.
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