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Old 11-15-2002, 06:19 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
Posts: 11,637
*tears in my eyes*

OMGGGGGGGGGG! I am # 2???????? I have never been # 2 at anything.........I do however, on occasion do a #2 but that is neither here nor there! I know I rarely ever say anything about very much of anything but I am all a flutter with this auspicious listing! Ya think Dave (Letterman) is gonna use it on his show? I can just picture that smug ass Paul Schaffer (spell check) going....."What kind of list is this Dave?" And Dave going, "Oh come on Paul, do you live under a rock? It's from the famous PixiesPlace website for crying out loud!" When I become famous for this book and I win the Pulitzer, I will be sure to mention you Coach and I will make a special moment to mention Pixies as the place it all happened......the place where I finally woke up and spoke up regardless of the fact that my book is blank because it is called "Silence is a Virtue". Ya think I'll get to do the circuit? Ya know.......David Letterman, Jay Leno, oh and that guy that looks like Howdy Doody.....oh fer shit-piss sake.....what's his name? I would love to do Howard Stern too! And if they'll have me, I could do an interview on his show as well! keeping with my true self I am gonna cut this short cause I never like to go on and on and bore ya'll till you throw the cat against the wall in total frustration. There I go again......did I just say ya'll? I ain't even southern! WTF is up with that??? OK.....well.........I can do this.....I know I I go.........I am shutting up now......and signing off.........and I am done!

Bye!.........oops! I did it again....ok....really.......I am going!

Bye!!!!.......Shit!.........OK......shhhhhhhhhhhh! Going, going,

Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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