Thread: The Big Step
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Old 06-17-2008, 10:54 PM
AV's Man AV's Man is offline
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Originally Posted by BamaKyttn
Become another person divergent of her. I'll admit I went through my exs' postings. I searched for all posts by both Souls and Capoc but I went on about myself beyond them. Mr. Man never identify yourself by indicating you belong to that person eventually you will begin to feel as though you can't be complete without them or someone else holding you together. That isn't true. We are all whole people sometimes we just enjoy being able to lean on another when we aren't feeling up to it but if you do it too often you come to rely on others and that leads to allowing yourself to be abused and taken advantage of. Be yourself, be you separate from anyone else.


I think you misunderstand... However, I'm not here to be a permanent resident so I'll not say much of anything.
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