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Old 08-26-2008, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Lord Snow
if it makes you happy and doesn't make anyone important to you unhappy, how can it be wrong? If it's not wrong, it can't be a sin.

Honey, darling, light of my nightlife every other weekend.... not everyone is in a relationship like ours, or Lil or some of the others who we know and have met. There are many like Rabbit who unfortunately have to conceal this part of who they are from their loved one, typically men hiding it from their wives who don't indulge or share their tastes for variety. For some it may be upbringing, others some misconceived notion that to enjoy sex and to seek new higher pleasures therein with the one you love makes you a whore, then there are you just plain unimaginative and lazy people....... >elbows Lord Snow on lazy< giggle...... in your typical mainstream Christian Mythology (I'm not belittling, merely saying it's a gathering of oral/written traditions passed down to illuminate a belief system) sex outside of marriage or a lifetime commitment is a sin, sex that doesn't have the chance of resulting in creation is a sin, I'm sure the majority of sexual positions and women achieving orgasms fall under commandments... ( Oh GOD oh GOD...... and Kama Sutra......false idol?) i'm sure theres a translation of the Pentateuch somewhere that makes oral sex dirty and a crime against the mouth with which we should sing His praise..... God has been getting more and more lenient as each division of the bible comes up..... kinda like a new teacher all up tight..... you get tenure and it's like WOOHOO gum? go for it! we have the old testament the new's time for the now testament God: the College Years..... if it burns, smoke it. if it has a hole, poke it. If it feels good, do it......

I love nyquil........ I'm going to hell for this...... how many people you wanna guess I've offended? 50? 100? laugh/sob.....sigh
-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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