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Old 02-05-2009, 04:47 AM
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FlirtWithMe FlirtWithMe is offline
Call me FWM :)
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Originally Posted by FlirtWithMe
I am giving myself a day off from the treadmill and won't allow myself to feel bad, since the walking program tells me to take weekends off anyway. I guess one day off in four weeks isn't going to be detrimental, and I did go for a long walk outside today and climbed some hills that felt like they were near vertical
After writing that ^^^ on Monday, I got off my ass and on to the treadmill, so I didn't miss a day after all

Yesterday I DID take a day off though. I felt I really needed it. I also ate a small amount of chocolate cake The taste wasn't worth the calories so I poured water on the rest of it to prevent me from eating more 'just because'. This morning I've woken up with the resolve to get back on the treadmill and eat healthy food, and I have my dancing class tonight so should burn a few more calories there. Usually after a setback like yesterday I would go buy a whole bunch of crap and eat the lot, so I'm making progress compared with previous attempts at losing weight.
Originally Posted by dm383
Well done sweetie - sadly, I managed to put that on - well, 3 pounds anyway.
It'll come off again easily enough Here DM, run after these it'll help!
Originally Posted by dm383
I'm sure I'm not the only one who is praying for you to lose those 2 pounds..... purely for health reasons, of course!!
The pics after I lose another 2 lbs weren't going to be 'those' kind of pics, I am taking pics after every 10 lbs lost so I can see the difference in my size I kinda ran out of ideas for 'other' pics, so I haven't taken any for a while If you can come up with some ideas for new pics I might be inspired to take some more

Good luck with all your goals, Bebi Dempster Have you had the lapband surgery yet or is that something you're planning on? If you've had it, how long has it been there and how's it going? Is the lapband removed post-weight-loss or it it a permanent thing like gastric bypass surgery? So many questions, can you tell I have a high interest in these things, even though I probably would never have the surgery myself

Good luck for the rest of the week, ladies and gents
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