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Old 07-16-2009, 01:10 PM
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Fangtasia Fangtasia is offline
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Originally Posted by Lord Snow
Only thing that bugs me is when people say I need to trade in my cruiser for a ninja and the like. I don't like the crotch rockets and it's got very little to do with the amount of power they have (after all they were designed as race bikes). I just don't find the comfortable. I actually had a coworker say I need one so I can do wheelies and stoppies on it to impress the girls. I told him we'll hang out one night and you can do that stuff. You'll be in the hospital and I'll have the "bitch" on the back of my cruiser.

Well that is you I'd buy a Kwaka Ninja in a heartbeat, damn nice bike *L*. What others choose to ride is their business. I dont see why someone deciding to sell their cruiser to buy a sports bike should annoy you *L* Again you dont find them comfy, well thats you.

I own a sports cruiser, and would again. The power has nothing to do with my preference for sports type bike either, i just prefer the style of them. The only time i found it a bit challenging in the comfort stakes was when i was 8+months preggers *LOL*.

Ya need to tell ya coworker they're a dickhead. My sports bike has never done a wheelie in its life. Just because ya own one doesnt mean you are a showoff either.
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