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Old 12-29-2002, 10:32 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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Some of the things I remember go far beyond this!

Great thread Shar! Oh the memories!

When all 5 of us kids would leave the house in the morning in the summertime.......we wouldn't come home all day till dusk......YES! But the difference.........Mom knew where we were and didn't suspect that we were kidnapped and tortured and abused. Today......if a child goes missing......the thought is only one thing..... Who took him/her for what bizzare reason? Some parents just never seem to know where their children are nowadays!

AND.....I remember dad driving around in his "Rambler" and having an open container of beer with him........and to top that off, waving to the cops as he passed in hand! Or when he was sooooooo drunk he shouldn't have been driving, those same cops parking his car and taking him home to "sleep it off" and call them when he was fit to drive and they would pick him up again and take him to his car.

And OMG! I actually had to get off the sofa and walk right up to my television and change a channel. How did I ever survive without a remote? From my previous (then) 5 y/o stepson couldn't find the remote one day and I found him crying in the family room. I asked what was the matter and he said he wanted to watch his fave show but couldn't because the remote was missing! I told him to follow me and we walked right up to that box and I showed him the all elusive buttons on the bottom of the set and I clicked the "on" button and he was stunned! LMAO!

And as a would put pepper on our tongue if we said a bad word. We weren't allowed to rinse it out either, so I would chew the headboard of my bed to get the taste outta my mouth. I never swallowed though! So, shaddup!!!!!(Now this explains a lot) I am sure lead-based paint prevailed on that headboard! And if we had the urge to steal anything........she actually burned our fingers with a match! (The Scarlett Letter comes to mind here). Spankings!!! OMG spankings!!! Both mom and dad would have rotted in jail for all the spankings and their severity!

YES! How did we survive?????????
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