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Old 12-31-2002, 12:48 AM
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Originally posted by Sharniqua
You said yourself your not interested at the moment in finding someone new.....well then don't

Give yourself time to get over this relationship before jumping into another......You will know when the time to rejoin the dating game is upon you

I agree with Sharniqua.

Missy, all I can do is offer what I have learned from my personal experiences. Between being married and dating/living together before hand, I had been with my ex for almost 7 years. So I know what you mean about wondering what to do once it finally sinks in that it is over with.

I thought about it, my ex was dating when she left, so I know what her decision was. But for me, I decided to wait till I was ready for it. I have been on a few dates with friends, but nothing real serious here. Saw one girl that finally showed me that I could feel again, but even with that I want to make sure that there isn't anything that will come between us if we do end up in something more serious.

Basically just give yourself time is my opinion. You will know when you are ready again and know when it is with the right person. Nothing says you have to have someone there to make yourself whole, I had to learn that. But when I do finally get back into a serious relationship with someone, I know that I will be a better person when I do.

After re-reading this I sound like I am rambling. But I hope some of this helps you a little. Just know that you have people here that will listen and offer you every bit of encouragement you need with what ever your decision is.
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