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Old 01-01-2003, 10:37 AM
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OtisBlues OtisBlues is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Titan, small moon of Jupiter
Posts: 17
It seemed like a long time before she felt her nipples being allowed to fall back down. Also the rope between her legs was loosened a bit. Sally's nipples were almost numb after being squeezed for so long. She felt a hand hold her breast and the vice like device was removed. As it was Sally felt the man begin to roughly rub her nipples and it suddenly sprung to life with a torrent of stinging pain.

"Owwwww, it hurts," Sally cried and now tears were flowing. Still the hand roughly rubbed her nipple. Finally, her nipple began to return to normal and the rough handling was not nearly as painful. As the person saw this he then moved to her other nipple. He removed the clamp and then began to vigourously pinch it.

Again Sally screamed, "Owwwwww, that hurts bad!" The pain was intense and in the process Sally's bladder let go. None of this had any effect on the person as he continued to roughly rubbed her nipple back to life and a normal reaction. Finally, the nipple responded as he wanted and he stopped.

Sally sat back being allowed more room to move. She was mortified that during this procedure she had peed all over her legs and was sitting kneeling in her own urine.

"Oh, please let me clean myself," Sally pleaded. Still no answer or response was given and Sally simply hung her head as she felt the wetness beneath and wondered what would happen next.

Sally heard a spraying sound next.

"What is that?" she asked. There was no response.

Suddenly Sally felt cold water spraying into her face and all over her body.

"Oh it is cold," Sally groaned loudly.

This did not stop the spray. After what seem like a very long cold time the spray stopped. Sally wondered what was next but at least she was now clean from her pee. Sally's body shivered with a mixture of the cold water and her anxiety over what would happy next. Sally did not have to wait long.

The ropes holding Sally's arms grew tight pulling her up. Sally's legs were now free and she was pulled upward to a standing position.

"Owwww!" Sally cried as her leg muscles came alive after having been bent for so long.

Sally's legs were now pulled apart. Sally, still not be able to see anything due to the blindfold, stood with her hand pulled high above her head and her legs pulled way apart by ropes tied to her ankles. Sally again saw under her blindfold the flash of the camera as she knew more pictures were being taken.

After a few minutes in this position Sally hands were lower but just as she was regaining her balance and stretching her arms, hands grabbed her shoulders and began to push her down. It was then Sally found what had been waiting for her.

Luckily for Sally her pussy had never totally dried. Even with the pain the idea of this abuse still turned her on allowing her pussy juices more or less to continue to flow during this entire ordeal. As Sally was pushed down she felt something press against her pussy hole.

"What are you doing?" she again asked not expecting to receive any answer.

Her answer was to be push further down. As she sank down she felt a shaft go inside her all the way to push against the back wall of her cervix. Sally was very full. As she sat there she felt ropes being tied so that she impaled on this phallic shaped device.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Sally cried as she felt the phallic pole inside her begin to expand. It was being pumped totally filling Sally's pussy and then more. As it reached it full inflation Sally could hardly breathe she felt so full. Sally was only given a few minutes rest when a slight vibration began. The entire shaft began to vibrate but not only the shaft. She was full impaled on the shaft but she was positioned so that her clit was flush with some type of material. When the shaft began to vibrate there was small suction that Sally did not even notice at first but then quickly felt her small clit being suck into a small chamber.

"Awwwww, it hurts!" Sally cried as she felt her clit pulled from her body. But then as she was about to scream from the pain the entire apparatus began to vibrate with strong pulses. Sally could not believe the effect this was having on her. Her entire body jerked with the force of the vibration. Her clit went from a scream of pinched pulled pain to intense pleasure as it vibration against the wall of the chamber that both pulled and held it. Sally had never known such a feeling.

"My Gooooddddd! This is going to kill me! If feels sooooooo fucking fantastic!" Sally screamed as the vibrations intensified. Sally was in total bliss and total rhythym with the vibrations of this machine.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" she cried as orgasm after orgasm overtook her.

"Ahhhhhh!" Sally gave one long final cry and simply passed out from exhaustion over the intense pleasure of multiple orgasms.

Josh looked down at the helpless unconscious Sally and knew he had done well. Josh had already cum three times while watching Sally in her various combinations of torture and pleasure. Josh had certainly enjoyed himself and he had saved Sally the juice of his labors.

"Sally, wake up, wake up now," Josh said to Sally who had slept for a couple of hours.

Sally slowly awakened with an extreme passive contentment written on her face.

"What time is it?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"It is now six am Sally," Josh replied.

"Oh I can't believe it is that later," she gasped. Sally attempted to sit up but noticed her arms and legs continued to be tied. Her head was up on several pillows but other than turn her head she could not move much.

"Untie me, I need to go. I have to get home soon in case Jack phones," Sally said.

"Ok but there is one more thing you have to do."

"What?" she asked.

Josh handed Sally a wine glass that was almost full of a clear whitest liquid.

"You have to drink all of this," Josh explained.

"What is it?" Sally asked having already guessed what it was.

"Why Sally this is the fruit of the night. You milked me good. Now this is for you. I want you to drink all of it and not spill a drop."

Sally had tasted sperm in the past but never this much.

"I don't know Josh. I have never had that much cum at one time."

"If you are my little slut you have to love the taste of cum so let's get you started right now." Josh bent over and put the glass to Sally's lips. Sally knew she had little choice so she took a mouthful and swallowed.

"How was it Sally?"

Sally was reluctant at first but once the cum was in her mouth she began to get a familiar feeling between her legs. The cum did not taste particularly good but it did not taste bad either. What made it appetizing was the response of her pussy; her pussy loved the taste of cum in her mouth. When Josh presented Sally with another sip she drank the entire glass licking her lips. Sally was now indeed a cum loving slut.

After Sally had finished her liquid refreshments Josh said, "Sally it is time for you to get up and get dressed." Sally complied knowing that she had to get home in case Jack phoned.

"Before you go I want you to see something," Josh said after Sally was dressed and ready to go. Josh took Sally into his living room and turned on the TV. Josh turned on the videotape and Sally could not believe what she was seeing. She was seeing herself while she was being tortured by having to sit on a tight rope going between her legs. The tape went on to show her titties having tit clamps on them and being pulled upward. She could see the pain on her face but also noticed the pleasure. Then the small penis object was put in her pussy. She could see Josh pumping it up and then the camera switch to her face and she could see herself grimacing in pain as her pussy was forced to stretch to accommodate the now large rubber cock. Sally's expression changed again and she remembered how the cock began to vibrate and the walls of her pussy became charged with sexual electricity. She also saw a close up showing her clit being sucked into a small tube and it being tortured in a most pleasurable manner. Sally could not help it but as she watched and became turned on she was suddenly overcome by another orgasm that rocked her. Josh watched with interest and of course had his video camera running.

"I don't know what overcome me," Sally said after composing herself. There was still a bit of spit on the side of her mouth from her spasms of sexual perversion.

"Pull up your skirt and let me see your panties," Josh said.

Sally complied and Josh took a good photo of the wetness that now soaked the bottom of Sally's panties.

"We don't have time for you to change. I have got to get you home."

Josh took her back to where they had parked her car.

"Till next time Sally," Josh said.

"I don't think there will be a next time," Sally said. Sally was very concerned over her inability to control her passions. It seemed that Josh had a way of totally controlling her and her sexual desire. Sally was very afraid of anyone having that much control over her.

"Ok Sally, whatever you want. Call me if you want and we will have another little adventure if I'm in the mood," Josh said knowing he would be in the mood.

Sally sat in her car shivering a bit due the cool morning air and her wet panties. She watched Josh drive away.

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