Thread: Just a fantasy
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Old 01-06-2003, 04:05 PM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northeast coast, USA
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OMG, what fun was had with ex today... well his wallpaper picture anyway , and what a story the UPS man has for his co-workers, but now I'm telling it out of order.....

Just for a little background we are a varied group of old and new friends, many that started with our group, now work days or have moved away but we add new friends any time we can. The youngest in our group is away at college now and our oldest is....well she'd kill me if I told. We get together just for fun and usually food, and a few times a year we try to do some community service type thing so as not to be completely wasting our time. Today was THE BEST get together we've had in ages!!!

When everyone arrived we caught up on the holidays and general chat. As lunch time drew near we moved into the kitchen. My computer is in a small room right off of my kitchen and you can see it plainly through the door.

I was grinning like mad waiting to see the reaction, for awhile no one noticed, just when I was about to tell them to look, Kate (all names are changed cause I forgot to tell them I'd be posting this) saw it.... she didn't say anything but just walked right up to the computer & stood there. After a second she hollored out "WHERE in the world did you get this?"

Of course everyone else had to go see what she was so worked up about. There were endless ohhh's and ahhhhh's and 'nice' and the questions..... whooooo weeeeee.... not only where'd I get the picture, but who is it? Name? Age? Location? Married? etc etc etc..... Most of this I couldn't answer, so we logged onto Pixies and checked out ex's profile, that answered some of the questions. All 4 guests took down Pixies address and so perhaps you'll be hearing from them ex.

Now Sue decided she'd like a printout of the wallpaper picture. And the others soon followed her in asking for one also. It was while I was doing this the UPS man came to the kitchen door, he needed me to sign, well instead of having me go to the door Chris brought him to me, sitting at the computer with ex on the screen. The guy looked, grinned and asked "anyone we know?" He left with the biggest grin on his face and he said "Now I hope you ladies have an exciting afternoon." And the ladies all hollored after him, "don't worry we will!"

The rest of the visit was spent talking about ex, sex, hubbies, sex, ex, boyfriends, 'toys', sex, .......well you get the idea. When it was time for me to take ex off the screen at 1:30 due to family coming home, all the girls blew him a kiss and Sandy kissed my comp screen, darn girl now I've got lip prints on my screen... where's the windex... geez.

Ex, Thank you for a most wonderful afternoon! You are a beautiful man! I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
btw --got any more pictures??
((Hugs)) Teddy ooxx
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