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Old 01-07-2003, 07:34 PM
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Sharni Sharni is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Queensland, Australia
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Sympathise with you dicksbro...

When we bought our new puter...brought it home did the whole install thing...went to connect to the internet...and boom...the modem fried the motherboard...finally got the whole machine replaced...went through the whole thing again and the motherboard fried again...
Third time lucky for us....this was over a course of 6 months after approximately 500+ phone calls to the company....and much frustration and anger on our part...

Shit happens.....the third machine turned out to be an excellent....just annoying we had to go through the 2 lemons beforehand

And to think we are just about to buy another new puter *rolls eyes & crosses fingers *
Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your mouth.


If you go hunting prepared when ya catch one!
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