Thread: Just a fantasy
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Old 01-08-2003, 12:23 AM
Teddy Bear's Avatar
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northeast coast, USA
Posts: 5,055
Another interesting day with Ex wallpaper. I found out that 2 of the pictures that were given out yesterday went to where the lady works and hung in the breakroom. mmmm nice breakroom decor. Also found out that the girls who were here yesterday went home & called or emailed all the others and told them what I had on my comp. So everyone knew when they got here today. Wasn't as fun as the 'surprise day', but was still good.

Had 3 guest. When they got here they didn't waste much time with talking or visiting but went right to my computer. Again it got rave reviews with many ooohhhhh's, aaahhhhh's and mmm hmmmm's. Each of them also got your picture. The single girl is going to hang hers on her freezer.

We all agree that we need more pictures.

Ex your a great guy. I hope all the other ladies here at Pixies put you on as their wallpaper. Happy Wallpapering!! ((hugs)) Teddy
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