Thread: Temp Fix for DB
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Old 12-04-2012, 06:35 PM
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Temp Fix for DB

Well, that darn ol' FBI Scam Virus hit me and has my normal logon crippled. Trying to get the virus removed, but without much luck so far. My son-in-law and daughter are working on it too. I've set up a second ID that lets me get to the Internet, but, I probablly won't use it like I did my regular ID. Anyway, at least I can check e-mails and maybe stop by some until my machine is "cured."

Wish they'd make creating a virus a much, much more severe crime. Many years in prison at the least with the requirement that their assets be forfeited to help offset interment costs.

Okay, done ranting. Back to our regularly scheduled posting.

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