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Old 03-08-2013, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by AZRedHot
I think men who only like a certain type of breast, or rather, insist on it, are not men whose good opinion you should worry about cultivating. Most of the men I know, and the majority of the ones here at Pixies, adore WOMEN, not just bits and pieces, and therefore like all the variety we come in. Sure, there are preferences, but those aren't mandates. I like my breasts, and all breasts--big ones, little ones, perky ones, whatever.

The big deal about breasts is instinctual--animal brain-stem stuff. Breasts are primarily fat, and fat indicates health due to an abundance of food. Get skinny enough, lose your fat, and you're not going to even ovulate--not a good choice for a mate, from an evoluationary standpoint. That's why big men (I'm talking shoulders and such, not cocks) always get a second look from us ladies, even if we prefer the slight bookish types in general. While we're looking for someone who will talk to us and take us dancing, the body wants what it's always wanted...someone healthy enough, broad-hipped enough, strong enough, to continue the species.

How do you make smart look so sexy?

Just a further elaboration on your "instinctual" comment, I saw a show on Discovery/TLC some years back, where host Desmond Morris pointed out the similarity of a nicely rounded pair of breasts to a nicely rounded butt; the theory is that when our ancestors got up off of all fours, the women who presented a frontal display as well as a nice backside had an increased chance of attracting a mate - even at some distance. Over many generations, that advantage was passed down, but not being an absolute necessity, we have the wonderful variety of sizes & shapes we see today.

and boy howdy, do we ever like to see 'em...
Plug me into somethin'

If the theory does not conform to the facts, then the facts must be discarded.

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