01-12-2003, 05:29 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 2
disney porn
i'm on the look out for a specific disney style porno comix. a couple years back i had downloaded it, but now i can't find it anywhere. more specifically it doesn't include any disney characters. it looked to me like a former disney cartoonist drawing porn comics in disney style. the story (haha) is that a young girl goes to a frat house (i think) and it ends up she is at the wrong house. the guys invite her in and offer her pot (i think). all of a sudden she is a major slut and screws all three guys (one fat, one skinny, one normal height). One of the major moments is when the fat dude finally whips out his dick and the girl is surprised by it's size. It's a foursome and when it concludes it turns out the girl came there on purpose to have sex.
any of you guys seen this comic? it's professional looking, not like the other crap comix on the net.