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Old 01-13-2003, 03:18 AM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northeast coast, USA
Posts: 5,055
He wraps her in his cloak and gently, lovingly lifts her into his arms and almost instantly they are transported to a henceforth unseen castle high above all the mundane things we mortals know of. It is a castle of great magnitude, looming above its surroundings. From the outside it is all blackness and appears as if no one has entered it for years because of the tangle of rose bushes nearly covering the entrance. But once inside the massive doors there is a room full of beautiful things. There are vases filled with fresh roses from outside the door, nurmerous tapestries and paintings cover the walls, as well as a multitude of candle sconces, all burning brightly. There are soft throw rugs on the floor and against the far wall is a massive open fireplace with a fire burning brightly in it. There is a roast cooking over the fire and its delicious aroma fills the castle. On the floor directly in front of the fireplace is the thickest and softest of rugs. Here is where Charlotte is laid down, ever so gently, still wraped in his warm cloak.
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