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Old 02-27-2014, 01:50 AM
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dm383 dm383 is offline
Pixies Horse Widower
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Mystery solved!

My walk with the dogs takes roughly 25 minutes most mornings, and we're usually out of the house by 06:15. This morning, 06:20 (due to reasons that don't matter) which resulted in seeing Mandys' back as she walked towards the lane leading to the bus stop. This means that for some reason she's now catching the earlier bus, which arrives a full half-hour earlier! Damn, damn and double-damn!

And triple-damn, cos Betty seems to be working night-shift this oast week or so, son ot seeing anything there either!

If it's any consolation to me at all (it really isn't!) the mornings are starting to lighten-up really noticeably now, which will render any viewings impossible in ay event - it's a kind of mid-grey outside now even as I'm typing this. So, another season of Mandy- (and Betty!) watching draws to a close.

See you next year folks!

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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