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Old 02-08-2003, 02:15 PM
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Originally posted by LixyChick
Vacationed in Canada one time! It was wonderful. But when I went to get gas I had no idea how much I was getting (due to the fact that I couldn't convert gallons to litres....or however thats done). And the speed limits seemed ludicrous to me. I am used to MPH........I had no idea how fast I should be going till I tried to keep up with a little old lady in front of me and discovered I was going much too fast. The nice officer explained it very well!

They had the best beer and pot I have had in years! Oh, that's another the states the alcohol content of a specific brand name of beer (Labatt's in this case) is less than in Canada. I have never gotten drunk on 3 beers in my life.....but I did on this vacation!

BTW! Those guys would periodically quiz us on what we actually knew of Canada as well. Did we know the current president's name.....etc.? To be honest (and to prolly reveal my stupidity here) I had thought Canada was a parliment and I didn't know at the time that they had an elected president. Boy was my face red! They told us they knew that American's weren't required to learn as much about other countries in school unless they chose to take specific courses on them, but that they (Canadians) are REQUIRED to learn nearly EVERYTHING about America. They joked that they are better citizens of the U.S. than we are, as they knew more about our constitution and the laws of our land than we did. If you think about it, any alien trying to become a citizen of the U.S could make this claim. Tests have proven it!

Also, we noticed as we entered the country that almost everyone seemed to drive with their headlights on. This was around the time when car manufacturers started making cars that when you started the engine the lights would automatically come on and stay on. Now either we hadn't noticed this saftey precaution in the states and it was more pronounced in Canada as we were typical tourists and looking and taking in every site, or this saftey precaution hadn't made it's debut in the states yet. I am not sure to this day about that. But when that nice officer stopped us and explained the "lay of the land", we asked if it was a major holiday in Canada and to show respect all Canadians turned on their headlights while driving. The nice officer (with a grin on his face) explained the saftey precaution to our embarrassed selves.

Anyway........this was also the trip that unconditionally proved to my hubby that I did indeed know my north from my south (I have a terrible sense of direction without a map) and that I could navigate an unknown country and get us back home safely with the help of a map. Perth was beautiful....BTW!

Well Lixy you were had......Canada is run by an elected parliment. The party that gets the most votes has a leader he/she becomes the Prime Minister of Canada who heads the Federal Government. Provinces have Premiers who head the provincial goverments........

Years ago there was a far greater requirement in schools to learn about America but this was due to the text books. Back then they were mainly published in the states and of course about the states.

As far as a courtesy to use headlights in this may well be but I have never heard of this as being a sign of respect. The newer cars of course have them on at all times. I tend to flash my lights to oncoming traffic if I have passed a cop to let others know one is ahead waiting for them with radar. Me thinks the cop was grinning for a reason.....the big shit!

And you have been to it there. Very quaint area around that region.
Yes we do have the best beer for the money!!!!!! Labatts triple X 12% alcohol.

I still dont get the conversion of the metric system either!!!!! And yes it is true your money goes farther here in Canada than the States and...........SO DOES MINE!!!!!! lmao
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